Spießigkeit is nich in Nordkorea
Im Schatten der sonstigen Großereignisse hat man in Nordkorea wichtige Erkenntnisse. Nein, nicht über die Konstruktion einer Atombombe. Sondern darüber, wie ein ehrwürdiger Revolutionär sein sollte. Hierzu die folgende Anekdote, nicht ganz taufrisch aber brandheiß aufgewärmt vom Nordkoreanischen Nachrichtenservice:
Revolutionary Should Be Broad-minded
Pyongyang, August 11 (KCNA)
-- It was when the 70-day campaign was launched in Juche 63 (1974).
At a night General Secretary Kim Jong Il set forth a bold goal of the 70-day campaign. Foreseeing that the cargo shipment would increase, he instructed an official by phone that he should take measures for it beforehand. He asked him how many derrick cranes for port could be made. Saying that 10 derrick cranes were too small to do work, he stressed that about 50 derrick cranes should be manufactured in a month at any cost. Surprised by the exorbitant figure, the official did not speak for a moment with the handset in his hand.
After fathoming his mind, the leader said to the following effect: I thought you are a man with grit as you are an official of working class background but you seem to be not that kind of people. A revolutionary should be broad-minded. Only then, can he go through difficulties without hesitation to make a breakthrough and vigorously advance no matter what difficult work the Party and the revolution may be faced with.
He encouraged the official to carry out the task in a bold way as he would positively back it, saying that the mental preparation was important in any work.
Under the bold and energetic leadership of Kim Jong Il about 50 derrick cranes were installed in major ports in east and west seas of the country in a month.
Man schreibe sich dies hinter die Ohren! Spießigkeit is nich in Nordkorea!
Revolutionary Should Be Broad-minded
Pyongyang, August 11 (KCNA)
-- It was when the 70-day campaign was launched in Juche 63 (1974).
At a night General Secretary Kim Jong Il set forth a bold goal of the 70-day campaign. Foreseeing that the cargo shipment would increase, he instructed an official by phone that he should take measures for it beforehand. He asked him how many derrick cranes for port could be made. Saying that 10 derrick cranes were too small to do work, he stressed that about 50 derrick cranes should be manufactured in a month at any cost. Surprised by the exorbitant figure, the official did not speak for a moment with the handset in his hand.
After fathoming his mind, the leader said to the following effect: I thought you are a man with grit as you are an official of working class background but you seem to be not that kind of people. A revolutionary should be broad-minded. Only then, can he go through difficulties without hesitation to make a breakthrough and vigorously advance no matter what difficult work the Party and the revolution may be faced with.
He encouraged the official to carry out the task in a bold way as he would positively back it, saying that the mental preparation was important in any work.
Under the bold and energetic leadership of Kim Jong Il about 50 derrick cranes were installed in major ports in east and west seas of the country in a month.
Man schreibe sich dies hinter die Ohren! Spießigkeit is nich in Nordkorea!
Nord- und Südkorea nähern sich weiter an und wollen sich um bessere Beziehungen bemühen. Die wichtigsten Eckpunkte aus der Sicht Nordkoreas:
* Alle Südkoreaner erklären sich offiziell zu dreckigen Lügnern
* Westliche Kamerateams dürfen in Südkorea keine Anzeichen von Wohlstand abfilmen (Straßenverkehr, Bäume, Gurken etc.)
* Nordkorea bekommt die alleinigen Vermarktungsrechte der Corea-Tabs
* Weitere Stimmungsverbesserungen sind möglich bei großzügigen Geschenken (Herrenmagazine, Zigarren, Seoul etc.)
* Südkorea verzichtet darauf zu verkünden, Lothar Matthäus sei als Kim Jong-Ils Nachfolger im Gespräch